
Our bundles of love and joy were delivered to us on 7 August, 2005.

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Welcome to the Stackhouse family website!

Created by Leora bigbroncofan1978@aol.com and Jr bigbroncofan1977@aol.com Stackhouse

Baby Update

12 December: Okay, I have the information for the pictures of Christopher. You can order the pics from the site if you want them. Order away!! Christopher is doing really good lately. He had a little problem transitioning over to complete formula, but we got it figured out. Other than that, he is doing really well here at home. Not sure what else to say. Hasta!!!!

click on "webnursery"
enter 8/7/05 as birthdate
first three letters of his name, last name, state of birth
password is Stackhouse....

05 December: Christopher is HOME!!! Yes, we brought him home on Wednesday, the 30th of November. He is doing very good at home with Leora and I. He is on a couple of meds, oxygen, and even a heart/oxygen monitor. He has a small amount of trouble eating, but he is doing great. Tomorrow my mother flies into town for about a week. She flew in to help us with Christopher. Christopher mostely sleeps, eats, and poohs. LOL But hey, he's a baby, he can do whatever he wants. He is very cute. I will post photos of him here in the house in a day or two. I have to organize them for the site. Also, we have photos from the hospital on another website. As soon as I ge the details from Leora, I will post them so you all can see them. You can even order prints from that website. :-) Well, time to clean before mom gets here. ROFL See ya!!!!

22 November: Leora and I got a call from the hospital today. They told us that Christopher will be coming home next week!!! OUTSTANDING!!!! We cannot wait to bring him home. Tomorrow we will be going to the hospital and spending darn near all day with him. We will also be getting instructions on how to use his oxygen, vital monitors, ect. We do not know yet what day next week he will be coming home, but better next week than next month. I have to hurry and get ready for work so I will try to post more later. Bye!!!!

20 November: I know it has been some time since I have updated the site. One month 15 days to be exact. I wanted to apologize to everyone for that. I do not have a reason for not posting to the site, just that it did not get done. I am sorry. Christopher has been doing very well. He is off the breathing tube and is currently on a nose canula. His weight is up to 6 pounds 4 ounces!! Leora and I are very very happy that he is doing soo well. The doctors have not given us an idea as to when he will come home. They said he still has a way to go before they can release him. They are very happy with his progress. He is eating a ton of milk each day. Leora has occasionally breastfed him but most of his feedings are still through a feeding tube to his belly. He gets tired when eating from a bottle, ect, so the tube is a normal procedure. Christopher has been growing so much it is amazing. I hold him when I go see him by myself. He likes to be held by Leora so much, he smiles, stares at her, everything. I am not sure what else to put. I am going to add some more pictures tonight. I will move the old ones to a separate page. You will have to click a link on the photo gallery page to get to it. See you all real soon!!

4 October: Christopher is up to 3 pounds 10 ounces. He is back on the breathing tube, but the doctors say he is doing superb. Leora and I have been tossing a cold back in forth so we have not been able to see him alot lately, but I think we got it licked. I put up a few pictures for Christopher. I know, about time right? He has been putting weight on like crasy. Hopefully by the end of the month he will be up to 4 pounds. Sometime this month I will be re-doing the webpage. I will be changing almost everything about the site, but all the pictures will be available on a archive page. If you have any suggestions, plesae email them to me and Leora. See ya!!!!

27 September: Yesterday was a very weird day. It seems that Christopher decided he did not want his breathing tube in anymore. A nurse walked up just in time to see him get a grip on his tube and pull it out of his mouth. The nurses put him on the CPAP nose breather and he has done fine since then. He was under no distress at all after pulling out his tube. In fact, he has been doing better than ever before. I guess he wsa just tired of the tube. They are still giving him antibiotics and feeding him regularly. Other than that, nothing else is different with him. I will post new pics as soon as I can. Have a good one.

24 September: On the 21st, they took Christopher off the ventilator and put him back on the CPAP. He was doing fine but gradually went up on his oxygen till they had to put him back on the ventilator. He was having such a hard time being re-intubated that the doctors had to bag him to give him air and even had to do a small amount of chest compressions to keep his heart beating. He is doing fine now though. It seems that he had a infection, mostely a urinary tract infection, but also might have a minor respritory one as well. The doctors are not surprised that he had to be re-intubated once they found out he was sick. They have started him on antibiotics and will give him those for one week. After that they will attempt to take him off the ventilator again. I will be away for the weekend doing Army training so I will not be able to post until either Monday or Tuesday. Have a good weekend and I will post again later.

20 September: Christopher is doing pretty good today. The nurses have been able to cut back on his oxygen a good bit. He was down to 26%. Tomorrow the doctors will attempt to remove his breathing tube again. To prepare him for tomorrow, the doctors have been using a machine to help clear up any congestion he may have. Hopefully tomorrow he will be well enough to breathe on his own. As for feedings, he is now up to 17cc's every two hours. He has been eating soo well that he now weighs 2 pounds 14 ounces. Hopefully in a few days he will be 3 pounds! He is getting to be a big boy! I hope to have more pictures of him within the next few days, so keep checking the Photo Gallery page. Well, I am off to bed, have another hard day at work tomorrow. Goodnight and see you all later!

15 September: Special Post: Today is the 1 month anniversary of Hayden's death and the 2 year anniversary of our daughter Victoria's death. Needless to say today is not a very joyful day. Leora plan on spending some alone time together, mostly hanging out at home. We might go see a movie or go to the park. I hope everyone else out there is doing good. Christopher is doing well. We went to see him last night between his care times so we did not get to hold him. He has been mostly sleeping all day yesterday because they checked his eyes. In the later half of next week they are planning on taking out his breathing tube again to see how he does. Hopefully he will be old enough to keep it out for the rest of his stay. Well, I am going to let you all go. Have a good day and see you later.

11 September: I know, I know, been too long since I have updated the site. Bad Jr, bad!!!! I do apologize for the lapse. No excuses. Christopher has been doing very well. His weight has not changed at all so far as I can tell. His feedings have increased to about 15cc's every two hours. That equals approximately 1/2 ounces. On the 2nd they did remove his breathing tube, but had to re-intubate him 12 hours later. It seemed that he was getting too tired from breathing and his lungs were not inflating enough. They are thinking about trying again toward the end of the month. He has been opening his eyes more and more each day. He does not keep them open for very long, but he does like to look around. I think he is a little camera shy. Every time I get ready to take a picture he closes his eyes. I have caught him a few times and I will upload them today. Well, that is about it. I again apologize for not updating the site enough. Catch you later!

1 September: Welcome back to the site. I guess you are all wondering how Christopher is doing, right? Well, he is doing extremely well. He has gained a bit of weight and now weighs 2 pounds 6 ounces. Yep, he is getting there. He has actually started to look more like a chubby baby. :-) He has grown soo much that the doctors had to put in a larger breathing tube. His old one was too small and air was leaking around it. Also, he is now up to 13cc's of milk every two hours since his weight has increased. Sometime on the 2nd of September the doctors are going to try to remove his breathing tube and see how he does. He will still be getting air from a machine, just without the tube down his throat. Hmmmm, he may even start to cry!! Both his eyes are open and every once in a while you can catch him checking out his surroundings. I will try to get a picture with them open. We will see. I hope to get some more pictures this weekend so keep checking in to see if I have them up. I am working nights this weekend so posts will be hard to come by, but I will do my best. Thank you to everyone who has visited the site. I will put our emails up above so you can email us at your leisure with comments, complaints, ect. See ya later!

28 August: Okay, it has been a while and I am sorry. Leora and I have been busy doing stuff with family and also getting Christopher's room fixed up. Took some more pictures and uploaded them for Christopher. Will try to put some more up in a day or so. I go back to work Monday night so I will try to update from there. hehe Christopher is doing really well. He is now weighing 2 pounds 6 ounces! His feedings are up to 11cc's of milk every two hours. By 2:00pm Monday, he will be at his max feeding of 12 cc's every two hours. He is looking a bit chubby and Leora and I are very proud of that. Hopefully he will start putting on the pounds and getting healthier. Well, better run. Got some stuff to do. Have a good one.

23 August: Hello to everyone. I added a few pictures to the website. Also, Christopher is doing very well. He is now up to 3cc's of milk every four hours! Outstanding. Plus, he now weighs a whopping 2lbs 1oz! We couldn't be happier that he is gaining weight and eating more. Also, he had his staples taken out from his surgery to close his heart duct. I put some photos on the Photo Gallery page from the service. Not many were taken so I threw up a bunch. Well, I guess I will log off and go to bed. Night night!

22 August: Sorry about the delay. We have been busy doing things around the house and getting Christopher's room together. I want to take a minute and thank everyone who attended the service Saturday. Thank you soo much for attending and also for bringing food, flowers, ect. Leora and I appreciate it all very much. A special thanks to Chaplain Bob Duplease for being there. You have been a great help and we plan on calling you soon. Leora goes back to work for a few hours on Monday. Then we are going to go to a concert , under family and friends orders, to relax and take a few hours alone together. The band is White Stripes, Leora's favorite. Thank you for the tickets, you know who you are. We appreciate it greatly. Well, I had better sign off. Gotta get some rest before the long day ahead. See you all later.

19 August: We are having the service for Hayden tomorrow. Our original location was canceled because it was in a state of construction. We are having it at City Park off of Colorado Blvd in Denver. I have inserted a link at the end of the post with the directions to the service. We will be meeting at 11:00 and having the service at 11:30. We are asking that attendees bring a food item if possible. We will be having some food there, but more will be needed to feed the masses. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Leora or myself. Christopher is doing extremely well. He has started getting milk four times a day and has been taken off the dopamine completely. We are very pleased with his health. Directions to service

18 August: The last few days have been very hard on Leora and I. We have finalized the arrangements for having Hayden cremated. We will pick him up Friday afternoon and have a small service Saturday at a park in Arvada. If you wish to attend, please email me and Leora at the email addresses in the previous post so we can get you the time and directions. Hayden's brother Christopher is doing very well. The doctors ran additional tests on him and found nothing. In fact, Leora was able to give Christopher his first tube feeding yesterday. Since then he has had one other feeding, and both were successful. The nurses say that they will even let us hold Christopher for a few minutes this afternoon. We are very happy that Christopher is doing soo well. We are worried that we might lose him to, and we will worry until we can bring him home. Thank you again for all the support you have given us. God Bless you all.

16 August 2005: Yesterday was a very bad day. Hayden passed away last night at about 10:00pm. He had developed a severe infection in his intestine which was irreversible. Doctors attempted to operate but discovered they could not save any of his intestine at all. Leora and I made one of the hardest choices of our lives. We had him taken off of the ventilator and spent time with him until he passed away. Our only other choice was to keep him medicated for days on end till his little body gave out. His big sister Victoria is taking care of him in heaven. We plan on having Hayden cremated and placed next to his sister in our house. We will have a small service/get-together this coming weekend. I am following this with Leora's and my email addresses for your use. Thank you to all who have expressed their regrets and best wishes so far. We appreciate everything. God bless. bigbroncofan1978@aol.com, bigbroncofan1977@aol.com

14 August 2005: Updated the Photo Gallery page. Running a little late. Been working on the babies' nursery, taking care of their mommy, ect. Went to see the kids today. They are doing very well. The doctors are thinking about taking them off of their ventilators tomorrow afternoon! That is awesome. Hopefully they will breathe well on their own and do not have to be re-intubated. Since the Feedback page is messed up, please email me at the following email address. We appreciate any comments, suggestions, ect. Talk to you later! bigbroncofan1977@aol.com

13 August 2005: The babies did fine yesterday. The doctors have started to wean them off of dopamine and pain medicine. Life is good today. Not only are the children doing okay, but they got a new birthday present. A big birthday present! The babies, mommy, and I got a 2005 Pontiac Montana. We now have a vehicle that seats eight people, more than enough for us!!!! We are very excited and love it. Unfortunately, Leora had to give up her pride and joy, her 2001 Ford Ranger. :-( We will see what the future holds for Leora. Maybe someday she will get her dream vehicle, an H2!!!! P.S. We should have new pictures up by Sunday, August 14th.

12 August 2005: The babies came out of surgery with no complications. The doctors said everything went perfect and that the babies should be fine. Initial x-rays showed that everything was in place. The babies are sleeping off the anesthesia, so they should wake up sometime today. My wife and I are very happy with the results. Hopefully soon we will be able to take them off the ventilator and start tube-feeding them.

11 August 2005: The babies were doing semi-okay today. The doctors did ultrasounds on their hearts and saw that a duct which normally closes after birth was not closing. The doctors had already given the babies medicine to close the duct but that did not work either. Today at 3:45pm the babies went into surgery. The doctors are going to put a small titanium clamp on the duct to keep it closed. This will help their blood pressure stabilize and also assist in taking them off a ventilator. I will post again as soon as I know how my kids are doing.

Re question: How are they doing and can I get something for their beds?
Our beautiful baby boys are doing fine in there little homes. If you would like to send them a small item I am sure they will appreciate it. They are only allowed washable stuffed animals no more than 6 inches tall. There is not alot of room in their beds, so large items are a no-no. Small decorative items to hang outside the beds, i.e. binkies, bibs, ect, are okay.

Please send any questions via the Feedback page.

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The Twin's Story

On the night of 6 August, Leora started to have some pain with contractions. After being rushed to the hospital, it was discovered that she was in pre-term labor. The doctors gave Leora drugs to stop labor, but nothing worked. On top of that, she started leaking amniotic fluid, a sure sign that the babies were on their way. After many hours of ultrasounds, it was discovered that Christopher's umbilical cord was being pushed through the cervix. The doctors rushed Leora to the Operating Room and delivered two beautiful baby boys by cesarean. Although 15 weeks early, Christopher Dale and Hayden Robert are as fine as they can be.

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Twins!Check out the twins in their temporary home.

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This site was last updated 12/12/05